Herman Cain: Gary Hart revisited

When Herman Cain‘s accusers came forth with sexual harassment allegations, I stay out of the fray.  Limbaugh, Hannity and other conservative talk people were quick to rush to his defense.  They likened his situation to Justice Clarence Thomas when Anita Hill had made similar accusations.  However, there was only one accuser in that situation- Hill- and considering she kept working for Thomas even after the time she said the harassment occurred, she looked like a phony.  Cain has more than one accuser for the harassment allegations (at least 4) and now he has a long-term extra-marital affair to add to the mix.

In 1984, a newcomer to the political stage emerged to take on the old establishment for the democratic nomination.  Gary Hart, like Herman Cain, had a meteoric rise to the top of the polls taking on Walter Mondale.  He had fresh ideas, was young and looked like the new poster child for democrats.  He gave Mondale and established Washington hardcore politician a run for his money.  However, in 1984, he didn’t have the money he needed to unseat the traditional candidate and Mondale went on to face Ronald Reagan for the Presidency.

Then came 1988 and all eyes were on Gary Hart.  As he made his announcement in 1987, the democrats were thrilled with the prospect of putting a new face with new ideas up against the established V.P., George H.W. Bush.  However, cracks began to show in the Hart facade almost immediately.  Quiet rumors began to stir of an extra marital affair sending reporters out in droves to get the scoop.  Back then, the mainstream media wasn’t controlled by the liberals, they actually reported things on both sides of the aisle.

Hart flatly denied the allegations and challenged the media to “follow him around” and see how boring his life was.  So, they did and they also did some snooping and out popped Donna Rice.  Hart and his wife denied that there was an affair and that this was a big misunderstanding designed to hurt his campaign.  Then the picture came out.  It showed Rice sitting on Hart’s lap holding his hand while he was wearing a shirt that had his yacht’s name, Monkey Business, on it.  His polls dropped in half overnight.  Hart got defensive and stayed in the campaign for a bit longer until the New Hampshire primary where he got SMASHED.  He withdrew the next day.

Cain flatly denies this allegation as well.  Of course he does!!  Should he come out and admit he has had this long affair, the nomination is lost and frankly his marriage may be lost as well.  He has nothing to lose by denying but everything to lose by confirming.  My common sense meter says where there is this much smoke there’s fire!!  By the same token,  I have no doubt that someone unleashed the hounds to find this information, these women just didn’t decide to clear their conscious by coming forward.  Whatever deals were made, we will more than likely never know.  Additionally, we most likely won’t ever know who set the hounds free as both republicans and democrats have a stake in his downfall.

At this moment, Cain told his campaign that he is re-assessing things.  He wants to wait to see how the polls come out before he makes his decision.  I have news for you Mr. Cain, your campaign is finished.